Our Editorial Process

At MoveHub, we’re committed to providing you with correct, trustworthy, and up-to-date information.

It’s never been easier to hop on a plane and move to a different country, but that’s not to say there won’t be complications along the way. That’s why it’s so important that we give you accurate and useful information.

Here’s how we ensure the quality of our work.

Our data and sources

To make sure our content can be trusted, we only use information and statistics from reliable sources – and we always name our source.

Our data comes from a number of different sources and is always improving. We combine information from www.numbeo.com, the CIA World Factbook, the WHO, census data from several governments, and our own vast database of real international moves in order to generate accurate scores for each city. Along with cost of living figures, crime rates, quality of life, pollution and purchasing power we also provide an overall MoveHub rating (a balance of all of the scores).

Currency conversion uses data from openexchangerates.org.

Updating our content

The world is constantly changing, which is why we regularly update our content to make sure that it’s accurate and relevant.

We make sure our information and cost calculations are based on the most recent data. For some topics, this means having to update figures on a monthly basis, whilst others will only need a refresh every few years.

So whether you’re looking into how to move abroad on a budget, which country has the best healthcare, or how much it’ll cost to ship your belongings to a certain country, you can always rely on our content to help you along the way.

Use of AI

MoveHub is a team of talented, human writers with real experiences and knowledge to share. For this reason, we never use AI to generate any of our written content. It’s important to us that the people using our site are reading helpful advice that’s come from a genuine place.


To make sure our articles are clear and correct, our writers’ work is always thoroughly checked by at least two other people on the team.

We also encourage feedback from our readers. So if you have any thoughts, queries, or corrections that you’d like to suggest, feel free to get in touch with our Editor, Charlie Clissitt – just email charlie.clissitt@movehub.com.