Shipping times and costs from Moscow, Russia to São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo
Shipping times
1 - 3 Days by air
20 - 26 Days by sea

1 Bedroom flat

Shipping costs by air £9,929 - £10,975
Shipping costs by sea £5,213 - £5,762

3 Bedroom house

Shipping costs by air N/A
Shipping costs by sea £8,020 - £8,864

5 Bedroom house

Shipping costs by air N/A
Shipping costs by sea £12,030 - £13,296

Please note: the prices listed here are meant as an estimate only. The best way to get a comprehensive, tailored quote is to fill out our form and be matched with a supplier.

Shipping Container Costs to Brazil

Sao Paulo is one of Brazil’s most important cities, largely due to its significance in finance, culture, entertainment and politics. This cosmopolitan city welcomes a vast array of ethnicities and nationalities, making it a very welcoming home for many expatriates. The city’s private healthcare system is ranked as the best in Brazil and the city actually contains many of the best hospitals in Latin America. The main mode of transportation in San Paulo is the car and heavy traffic on the highways are very common. For those of you who do not drive, there is also a public transport system in the city, consisting of buses, metros and trains. San Paulo is brimming with culture and offers many different types of entertainment. Catch an opera at the spectacular Sao Paulo Municipal Theatre or visit the famous Sao Paulo Museum of Art, which boasts one of most astounding and significant European Art collections in the world. No matter what your tastes, San Paulo has something exciting to offer everyone! Those of you who have moved before will know how important it is that you figure out how to move your belongings to your new home. Follow our simple gauge to help you choose your size of shipping container: If you are moving the contents of a 4 or 5-bedroom house, or the contents of a 3-bedroom house plus a vehicle, you should choose a 40-foot container. If you have less to move, a 20-foot container could be used to house the items from inside a 3-bedroom house, with some room left over for your lawnmower or bikes.

Shipping Container Options

20Ft Shipping Container

33 Cubic Meters
5.9m x 2.35m x 2.39m (l x w x h)

Price: £8,020 - £8,864

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40Ft Shipping Container

67 Cubic Meters
12.03m x 2.35m x 2.39m (l x w x h)

Price: £15,238 - £16,842

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Car shipped by sea freight

Max Dimensions: 5.75m x 2.2m x 2.2m (l x w x h)

Base Price: £2,482 - £2,744

Quarantine & Taxes: £1,000 - £2,500

Price: £10,120 - £14,114

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Unusual Restricted Items

Alcohol made in Brazil intended exclusively for sale abroad.
Controlled substances, Narcotics and Drugs
Controlled substances and narcotics are forbidden.
Plant and Animal Products
Need a special permit from the Ministry of Agriculture.
Handguns and firearms are strictly prohibited.
Counterfeit Items
Counterfeit money and goods.
Pornographic Materials
Illegal Pornography.